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Santa Barbara

Charming little house in the quiet of the historical center.
One of its most appealing features is the private garden with a wide panoramic view towards the valley and an angle to the Mediterranean sea.

The house has a small entrance, a unique environment for the kitchen and the living room with a very particular fireplace, and on the second floor a bathroom and a very comfortable bedroom.

It can accommodate a family up to 4 components including small children.

The house has been selected by the International ITERVITIS as part of an interesting cultural route approved and valued by the Council Of Europe.


Our Houses

I Palummielli

The house called PALUMMIELLI, whose name refers to the most distant fraction of the town to the center, is elegantly accessible from the parking area in…

From: 70 / Night

A Marina

It´s a special accommodation because it is the source of the idea and the project of albergo diffuso ECOBELMONTE. This…

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U Saliciu

This house is clearly part of a larger patrician house, there are many architectural remains that strengthen this thesis. It…

From: 90 / Night